The powers that were to be once made a decision that was to
define humanity in times to come.
They decided that a society was essential for a dignified
way of life.
Hence the powers decided that we need some rules to abide by
that separate us from our less evolved counterparts.
So once we had rules, it was a given fact that we needed
rulers. Rulers in turn needed rule enforcers and rule enforcers needed rule interpreters.
In this entire scheme of rulers, enforcers and interpreters
there came in an unofficial, however highly ubiquitous species of rule fixers.
The emergence of fixers was to a certain extent an
evolutionary certainty. I was reading an interesting piece on the incompleteness
theorem by Godel. Now the mathematics behind this theorem is not very
comprehensible the basic premise of it is very interesting. He says that within
any system there exist statements which can’t be proved or disproved by using
data from within the system.
For a moment, consider the theorem to be valid and binding.
Then it implies that within the boundaries of a system,
there will be situations or problems that cannot be solved using resources from
within the system. Now replace system with society and resources with the broad
categories of rule makers, rulers, enforcers and interpreters.
Hence naturally there will be situations that cannot be solved
or closed using these internal resources only.
As a proof, to the above theorem think for a moment of your
There would be plenty of work which you think could be done
easily and would certainly benefit the people, but there is somewhat of a reluctance
or inability of people within the system to do that work. This reluctance or
inability is often captured in a singular statement of “This is how things are
done around here”. (I am not implying that inefficiency in an organization
is a certainty, given the evolutionary mandate, I am merely giving an
interesting interpretation to world in general)
Now rule fixers facilitate the scheme of work in the ruling
world. You see every rules interpretation could be facilitated or delayed,
every enforcer could be persuaded either way, and every ruler could be pleased
or be displeased.
Consider the role of a fixer in real world.
Again I take the
example of a workplace.
There would be situations or problems you would have
encountered at your workplace when you felt it to be prudent to be confide in
the one person whom you believe could help. Now this person could be very well
a friend, any gender, but if you pause for a moment and consider the personality
trait(s) I am certain you could spot these. Firstly, there would be a complete lack of ego or pride, and secondly
an average capability and performance.
Miraculously once you confide to a fixer, things seem to be
less burdensome. A part of the relief maybe due to the emotional aspect of
getting it out of your system, but there is now a faint belief that now it
could be resolved.
It may seem that Godel’s theorem is contradictory considering
the above example as the fixer in this case comes from within the system. Actually
it is not, I leave it to you to figure out why. (Clue I missed on personality
trait of a fixer, - a very elastic nature and a highly checkered past)
Fixers are essential to any society, organization or institution’s
This is because work cannot be completely linear-ised & output
cannot be completely quantified. And that in turn is because when you deal with people
there are always emotions to handle and they are not always rational.
tooo sophisticated for me to read!! thumbs down Rajan sahab. We need rawness
Point taken - Lekhi Saab .
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