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Saturday, June 19, 2010

कहने को जशने बहारा है - Decoded !

Sunday morning, as I was listening to this song, Khan saab shoots out a question,

"Do you understand what you are listening ?? "

That lead me to ....... decode(not translate) this song(with inputs from Khan saab) it is....and yes it is indeed very soulful.. ... :) , lot os leisure time in hand on a weekend !!

" It is a manner of celebration to speak of,
Love, however is puzzled
And fragrance is miles away from the flowers in the garden

All this, because there is a sadness behind the thin veil that hides her pretty face,
All is quiet, and time seems to have stopped,
And my heart aches for her....

It is a manner of celebration to speak of,
Love, however is puzzled
And fragrance is miles away from the flowers in the garden

How to ask the pretty damsel what ails her?
How to  find out whether she still loves me or not?
Like two ends of a river, which travel the same direction but never meet.
We are always together but something does seem to do us part

It is a manner of celebration to speak of,
Love, however is puzzled
And fragrance is miles away from the flowers in the garden

We are near but not very close ……. and this troubles me…disturbs me
The song which I sang for her came from my heart,
Alas!! What tricks time plays on us?
I stand here sad and morose,
And I know that ………she is also not very happy
Though we are together… we are very lonely
Like the flower which blossoms, but does not impart its fragrance

It is a manner of celebration to speak of,
Love, however is puzzled
And the fragrance is miles away from the flowers in the garden "

Ding dong !!