Today, I came back after spending some time with my sister Vaishnavi. She lives with her parents (My Mama and Mami) in Dubai and spends most of her time after school alone at home. She is one of the rare kids who at the age of 9 prefer to watch the night sky rather than Pokémon (not that she is not addicted to TV, but you get the picture).
Solitude, may possibly explain her artistic tendencies, meaning she paints well, really well, and her fingers are long and slender almost as long as mine. Thanks to technology I have some samples of her brush strokes article formations on my cell as well.
Anyways I came to her place in night and she insisted we go and sit on the terrace. As I sat with her and asked her what she liked while sitting and staring heavenwards, she said “Pictures on clouds”. “Now what do you mean by that”, I asked. She points her finger across the sky and traces out an imaginary helicopter formation in the clouds, which to my understanding was rudimentary best. Eager to show off and to offset my limited presence of artistic tendencies I asked if she knew about the man on the moon, to which she replied in negative.
I traced the contour of the man on the moon and she waited for some time staring at it. Then, wrinkling her nose in a hint of disgust, she replies, “Yeah it has to be a man only, it has no hair! Laughing out aloud , I said " But I have ample hair ", and shook my long mane for the effect.
" But you are anna. not appa ", she replied clearly distinguishing a " man " from " anna" .!!
Aha that felt good, particularly in light f the spate of weddings in my friend circles :) :)