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Monday, July 12, 2010

Memories of Hope

" I rave ……….I rant…I nag and nag………..

I hate myself for being weak…….. and curse myself for being mad…

But when I see myself ….hating her …….

I feel bad ……….. very bad…….

I close my eyes………….I close my heart ……………and hope never to see her, but when the lights go out……......... I dream about her.

All I want is to walk with her ... say nothing……

watch the wind mess her hair......... and see her………… lost in translation,

but all I see is her apathy…… her rudeness……….. her desire .......... her conviction about not believing me…….

But still the tiny bird of hope....broken……… beaten and trampled upon countless times....... flutters its wings

and I believe .......someday........that there might be magic within !