This song/poem/rendition is just too good. I came across it via stumbleupon. I thought it was some ancient war cry and I searched for the translation. Much to my surprise it actually turned out to be a love thing !!
I am re-posting here the link on youtube: & the English translation of lyrics.
I am re-posting here the link on youtube: & the English translation of lyrics.
There’s my love down in the orchard
Oh, how I wish I was there myself...
There’s the house and there’s the barn
There’s the cowshed door open...
There’s the house and there’s the barn
There’s the cowshed door open...
There’s the great branchy oak
It’s got a pleasant look
I’ll wait in its shade....
Until my love comes, my love comes....
It’s got a pleasant look
I’ll wait in its shade....
Until my love comes, my love comes....
There’s the harp, there the strings
What am I with no one to play it?..
There’s the lively, careful maiden
How much closer am I to winning her?..
What am I with no one to play it?..
There’s the lively, careful maiden
How much closer am I to winning her?..
If you liked it visit for more such tunes.